Sunday, June 8, 2008

The Peanut Times☺


Welcome readers to the 6th issue of the Peanut Times☺. It's already mid-way in the holidays!! How fast time flies! (Figurative ) Yes, apparently, i've been doing my homework. Yes i know it's unbelievable. Back to reality...

Recently, there was an earthquake in SiChuan Province. Many lives were lost T_T.... Depresion stuck many people but they did not think WHO caused the earthquake. This issue is to ask the people about their opinions. The every-reliable GlennRocks survey says 1 out of 1 ( 100% ) people say that the earthquake was caused by natural occurance. I wonder which idiot said that.

Q) Who caused the SiChuan earthquake?
A) Li*nel decided to take a trip to Sichuan.
B) Tay Xu L*ang looked at the ground in SiChuan and caused a crack in it.
C) Li*nel decided to go for a dive but dived into the ground as he could not tell the difference between water and ground
D)Natural Occurace

I personally feel it can be any of the above. But this mystery is a mysterious mystery only mysterious people can solve. By the way, please check out the new test the Grand, Majestic and Intellegent writer of this blog ( me ) made . Stay glued to the computer to the next issue of The Peanut Times ☺

Ah Gong

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The Peanut Times☺


Welcome readers to the 5th issue of the Peanut Times☺. It's finally here!! The thing that we all have been waiting for!! Its Mas Selamat!!! Opps, sorry technical errors, its the March Holidays!! Hooray!! I can foresee many people are enjoying their 7 day break. Well, I can also see that many people are cursing and swearging at the ''AMAZING'' amount of work to be done before school re-opens.

According to the ever reliable GlennRocks survey, we found out that 1 out of 1 people prefer staying at home rather than going to school. Now we shall have a short quiz to find out why peope prefer staying at home!

Q)Why do people prefer going to school rather than staying at home?
A)Mas Selamat is on the lose and we want to be safe☺
B)Volcano erruptions are more frequent in school and we want to be safe☺(NOTE:Abnormal Volcanoes)
C)A huge supply of "laughter" homework is provided if we stay at home
D)We want to save transport fees and cut down on pollution☺

Yup... we need to find an answer to this problem!! (1 out of 1 person is 100% its no LAUGHING matter)We must promote the students to go to school if not the teachers won't get paid! Remember at anytime if you feel that these articles are lame and not worth your time, please click the small red box with a X on it at the top right corner of your screen. Thanks for you kind attention and stay glued to your seats(Mr Khairul: Not literally) for the next issue of The Peanut Times☺

Ah Gong

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The Peanut Times☺

Welcome readers to the 4th issue of The Peanut Times☺. Gong xi fa Cai people out there!! Its finally the Lunar New Year and many people are ready to fill their piggy banks(including Lionel) up!Smiles everyone :) But it also means that exams are coming.( Ok this is the cue to wipe of your smile :(

According to the ever reliable GlennRocks survey, many people and avoiding to wear ethnic costumes... Why is this so? Youngsters are also getting rude this days. when I interviewed a guy whom i saw at the mirror, he just stared straight back at me. He even copied my every move!! >:[.

Anyway, its quiz time again ( Yeah, I know you've been looking forward to this )

Q)Why do people dislike wearing ethnic costumes?
A)They think etnic costumes make them look like SuperMan
B)They think teachers like(Maths is no laughing matter) will laugh at them. Heeee Heee!!
C)They think wearing that makes them look as ugly as Janelle.(Meaning extremely ugly)
D)If they wear the costumes, their good looks would blind everyone. (Said by a real person)

Yup... That about it and thanks for your kind attention reading this message which has wasted ( Count by yourself ) seconds of your life. Watch out for the next issue of The Peanut Times☺

Ah Gong☺

Monday, January 14, 2008

The Peanut Times☺


Welcome readers to the 3rd issue of the Peanut Times☺. School has finally started!! I can see many people crying their hearts out. Cheer up because this issue is all about them!!! (Moanings...)

According to the GlennRocks survey, although most of the new people in my life are males, they are...hmm... errr... lets just say they have ''broken wrists''.( I know you know what i mean, and if you don't, you belong to kindergarden.)

Its quiz time...(Something new i added for fun)

Q1)What happened in the 2007 December holidays that made males be ''broken wrists''?

A)They all fell down and hurt their wrists.
B)Santa Claus gave the wrong present.
C)A great amount of ''man-ess'' was stolen by Janelle
D)They wanted to skip NS and that was the best excuse they could think of.
Please send your answers to the C-box and by the way, no prizes would be given due to lack of funds.^^

Well even though there are broken wrists in 2008, they are rather good teachers. So remember to look out for the 4th issue of ''The Peanut Times'' This is reporter Ah Gong signing off~

Ah Gong☺

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

The Peanut Times☺


Welcome readers to the 2nd issue of The Peanut Times☺
As we all know, school is starting and many people are in bad moods, and I am no excpetion. I recently interviewed a few FAMOUS people to understand what they feel about the upcoming school events.

Smarter Child:Not sure how 2 apply eyeliner or eyeshadow? Watch a professional makeup artist give demos and get the tricks of the trade! add 2 your contact list and start making your life more beautiful and fashionable!
how do I feel about the upcoming school? not sure... are hoping to feel more organized and in control, or you are feeling any stress about preparing for the upcoming school year, consider letting - 17k -

Teacher: I'm not ready yet, I haven't borrowed the torturing devices from mojojojo yet...

An explosion: KA BOOM!

And there you have it, according to their statements, they are rather neutral. So do not be upset and start cutting yourselves, just end your life! jk

Remember to look out for the 2rd issue of ''The Peanut Times'' This is reporter Ah Gong signing off~

Ah Gong☺

Sunday, November 4, 2007

The Peanut Times☺


Welcome readers to the 1st issue of The Peanut Times☺ This newsletter is to bring news from the outside world to you couch tomatoes out there... For this issue, we shall just like to congratulate Ah Gong, me , upon opening up a new blog...

Remember to look out for the 2nd issue of ''The Peanut Times'' This is reporter Ah Gong signing off~

Ah Gong☺